Dube TradePort has made a big impact on the construction sector
Dube TradePort is a government initiative aimed at creating and sharing economic benefits, both directly and indirectly, with the citizens of KwaZulu-Natal by creating employment, business and trade opportunities. It has already made a significant socio-economic impact on the province.
During the construction phase, 58 972 jobs were created in South Africa. This is a collective figure for the construction period and may be better shown as an average of about 19 658 jobs between 2007 and 2009 across the country. Of this total, 13 880 were a result of on-site construction activities, while the remainder occurred as a result of indirect and induced impacts associated with the construction.
Of the 58 972 jobs created nationally during construction, 48 295 were in KwaZulu-Natal, of which 34 157 were in eThekwini. Of these, 4 199 were skilled, 18 240 were semi-skilled and 11 718 were unskilled jobs.
Dube TradePort has made a big impact on construction sector employment in eThekwini. Job creation spread beyond the construction sector, also being created in sectors such as trade, finance, business services and community services.
Benefits to low-income households
It is estimated that R6 billion in household income has been generated across the country because of the construction of Dube TradePort, with 26,5% going to low-income households throughout South Africa. R2,9 billion was generated in KwaZulu-Natal.
The impact of Dube TradePort on South Africa’s GDP amounted to about R8,4 billion during its construction.
Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE)
It is estimated that about 72,8% of money spent on goods and services (excluding direct imports) during construction was paid to SMMEs and B-BBEE enterprises, which is more than the estimated short-term target of 15,5%.
Skills development
Dube TradePort recognizes that human talent is the most important factor in eThekwini’s economy. By the end of July 2009, R9 million had been spent on skills development during the construction of Dube TradePort, beating the target of R4 million by more than 100%!
A total of 27 131 individuals were trained in core skills which were identified at the start of the project. Of these, 21 113 were African males and 1 684 were African females.
Social investment
An amount of 0,4% of the total project cost was devoted to Dube TradePort’s Local Socio-Economic Impact programme, contributing to the upliftment of people in KwaZulu-Natal. The total spent on social investments during the time of construction amounted to R26 404 769.